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Things We Should Know about FIFA 17 Story Mode The Journey

Since EA announced they adopt new story mode The Journey, it has been paid much attention. Developed over the last 18 months with the help of real players including Harry Kane and Anthony Martial, this new mode is the first story experience in the FIFA franchise. In it, gamers play as a rising star Alex Hunter as he tries to break into the Premier League and deal with challenges on and off the pitch. The mode is possible with the frostbite engine that you can use it on and off the pitch. You are in charge of your story off the pitch and when you are on the pitch you will need to deliver the right performance to get ahead. 


There are several things about The Journey.


Reasons of developing story mode for FIFA 17

First, to give the player an authentic experience of living a profesional football career on and off the pitch; Second, Fans can digest football 24/7 and have a window into footballer's lives outside of matches; Third, to allow players to learn about the sport and get familiar with the game - the fundamentals of FIFA and some of the more advanced functionality through playing.


Elements that make the game authentic


To ensure the authenticity of the game, EA use ways to make it real. Here are elements which add authenticity, such as doing lots of research, looking at real player stories and experience, speking to ex-players and so on. What's more, In the later stages of development EA also ran The Journey past a number of current young professional footballers, like Reece Oxford and Marcus Rashford. That part was particularly rewarding - all the feedback from those guys was about it feeling real and in many instances it mirrored many of their own experiences.


Function of Frostbite engine to shape developing The Journey


It is the first time to use Frostbite engine in FIFA 17 series. The biggest function of  Frostbite engine is to give opportunity and tools required to create scenes and environments necessary for this kind of mode. It is the perfect vehicle to bring a story into FIFA.


Information about Alex Hunter


Alex is a 17-year-old kid from humble roots in Clapham, a suburb of London. He has football in the blood and is the grandson of an English legend Jim Hunter and the son of a footballer whose career ended early.


The Exciting parts for EA teams during the work on the mode


EA teams have been on FIFA for many years as have many of my colleagues. They think the most exciting part was delivering something very new and unique to the world of FIFA. It was an interesting change to see amzing players and stadiums created every year  but building new football worlds that have never featured in FIFA before like apartments, airplanes, and hotel rooms. Developing and casting the characters was also something new. To create fictional characters both visually and in terms of personality and back story was an exciting change of pace.