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FIFA 17 Authenticity Improved As Stadiums and Commentary Added

This time, EA released presentation in details, in which stadiums look more authentic ever than before. And there are some new presentations, including new form of competition, game atmosphere and commentary. In this page, let's brief the presentation to know the improvements on stadium and commentary on the progress of the match.


First, there will be three stadiums in FIFA 17, which are London Olympic Stadium, where West Ham United now plays, Middlesborough Football Club's Riverside Stadium and Japanese football club Gamba Osaka's Suita City stadium. 


Second, the world's oldest footaball competition, The FA Cup will show up.


Third, there are series of things added to FIFA 17 to make this game more real. 


1. A number of picth props and stadiums dressings used for the games, including Tunnel Archways, Handshake sponsor boards, Ball plinths, Pitch flags, Pyrotechnics, Confetti Cannons, Home Team corner flags and Goal net stanchion colours based on stadium. 


2. To experience the more authentic games that over 500 new chants are added, and making FIFA 17's crowd dynamic to activate the atmosphere.  And also Icelandic Huh and many new high quality chants from La Liga, Premier League and Championship clubs, as well as the iconic Hala Madrid anthem are the new additions. 


3. The players' reaction animation is improved, when you are playing the game, you can see their realistic emotions. Of course, the managers' reactions animation to bookings, missed scoring opportunities, great saves, and goals is also make improvements.


Last improvement seems innovative and beneficial. That is analysis or commentary. This time in FIFA 17, you will see the analysis of player performance on the progress of the match and be able to hear the commentators in the game talk about central character Alex Hunter, including comments on various storylines that players can make Hunter follow such as milestones, player rivalries, and more.


If you want know specific content, you can check EA's official site to see. FIFA 17 will be released on September 27th. You must look forward to. Of course, if you need more FIFA 17 coins in the game, you can contact us. Our website is a reliable one which you can enjoy fast delivery with comfort trade. If you have any trouble, we can help you out.